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Create a Project

After creating your first customer, the next step is to create a project.

Projects in Kimai

Projects in Kimai are assigned to customers and are linked to activities, which are then used for time-records.

Kimai Project Documentation


Let's start by returning to the Kimai dashboard. You should see the following screen:

Kimai dashboard showing the main interface

This is your central hub for time tracking. Now that you have a customer set up, you can create your first project.

Administration Sidebar

To create a project, first access the administration area:

Administration section in the sidebar navigation

  1. Click on the "Administration" dropdown in the left sidebar
  2. Select "Projects" from the menu options

Projects Overview

You'll be taken to the projects overview screen:

Projects overview showing an empty projects list

When you're just starting, this list will be empty. Let's create your first project!


To add a new project:

Create button in the upper right corner

Click the "+ Create" button in the upper right corner of the screen to open the new project dialog.

New Project Dialog

The new project creation form will appear:

New project dialog with input fields

Fill in the following details for your project:

  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for your project
  • Description: Add details about the project (optional)
  • Customer: Select the customer we created in Create a Customer, or any other customer you want to assign this project to
  • Project Number: Enter a reference number for this project (optional)
  • Order Number: Enter a reference number for billing (optional)
  • Start Date / End Date: Project start and end dates are optional, but setting them will help limit which projects appear in the timesheet editing screen to only those active during your selected time period.

Details of the other fields are explained in the Kimai Project Documentation.


You can edit these details later by clicking on the project in the projects list and selecting the edit option.

After filling in the required information, click "Save" to create your new project.

Project Details

You'll be returned to the project details page. In our example, we created a project for the customer "ACME, Inc." called "Website."

Project details page showing the new project

Projects List

Click the "Projects" link in the Adminstration menu again, and you'll also now see your new project listed:

Projects list showing the new project

Congratulations! You've successfully created your first project in Kimai.

Before you can start tracking time, you need to create an activity, which is the next step!